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Μάρκος Αυρήλιος

Δευτέρα 29 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Evolution of Angels

Before Angels, there was Animism which is believed to be the original religion of humankind.  It's belief was that spirits such as nature spirits, fairies, sprites, devas, elves and other elementals inhabit all things.  It still exists today in many tribal societies and the belief is growing among people in Western societies. 

When people needed a strong presence to watch over them, they turned to gods, goddesses, ancestors and great spirit entities.  Like Angels, they were charged to maintain harmony in the universe and serve as messengers between heaven and earth.  In the polytheistic religions, such as the religion of the ancient Greeks, the people worshipped a pantheon of male and female deities. 
The Greeks also believed in personal guardian spirits, known as their daimons.  This was an inferior deity or attending spirit and was assigned to each person.  The Romans called it their genius.  Plato and Socrates were two great philosophers who were inspired by their daimons.  The daimon was very much like our guardian Angels except for the fact that a daimon could be classified as benevolent or malevolent, where as in the Christian belief, we have guardian Angels and demons.
Angels as we understand them in Western Christian society had their origins in the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, an ancient religion during the Persian empires (559 BC to 651 AC) and was the most powerful world religion at the time of Jesus Christ.  It is one of the oldest monotheist religions and you can still find it being practiced today, especially in Iran and India

Angels were embraced by Christianity like no religion before it, but the love of Angels came from the people and not the church fathers. In the Middle Ages, there was an "Angel mania" with countless  sightings of Angels and saints.  At this time there was a great acceptance of the idea of “visions”, especially in England and France. People obsessed by Angels would have countless visions of Angels appearing to them and giving them advice.  But people soon became disillusioned by all the sightings along with the false sightings reported.
Today in the Christian countries of the West, people are again becoming more conscious of Angels.  They are exploring their spirituality and questioning beliefs they were raised with.  They are turning to a more loving and accepting concept of religion and the thought of a "Higher Being" or "Light" that watches over us all, regardless of religion or beliefs.
Many religions believe in Angels - Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam all have their Angels and hierarchy.  Although I acknowledge the Angels from all the religions, focus will on the Judeo-Christian Angels and the Dionysius Hierarchy of Angels.


The Hidden World of Elementals & Fairies

The Hidden World of Elementals & Fairies

Have you ever walked though a park or through the woods and felt a sudden sense of peace, minimizing all your problems after a discouraging day?  You probably had contact with an "Elemental".  Elementals are "Nature's Angels" and they are referred to by various names including Fairies, Elves, Devas, Brownies, Leprechauns, Gnomes, Sprites, Pixies as well as many others.  These nature spirits are governed by the Archangels.  (For the sake of ease, we will group all nature spirits as Elementals on this page unless they are specifically being explained.)  

Like Angels, Elementals do not have a definite form or appearance. It's easy to determine if a picture is that of an Angel or a winged elemental.  The winged Elementals have wings that look like a butterfly's and Angels have feathered bird-like wings. 

If they choose to show themselves to you, they may choose a form that you will recognize and be comfortable with or will associate with the element they represent. A fire elemental may appear as a spark, a face in a candle flame or bonfire, or simply a sudden warm spot. A water elemental may be a cold spot. An air elemental could be a sudden breeze or tiny whirlwind in the dust. A smell, taste, or an unexplained pebble in your shoe could be evidence of the earth elementals at play.
The belief in Elementals goes back to before the beginning of religion.  Long before Angels, there were Elementals who inhabited all things.  Animism which is believed to be the original religion of humankind believed that Elementals inhabit all things. 

Most occultists and Neo-pagan witches believe these spirits possess supernatural powers and are usually invisible to humans, living among the trees, rivers, plants, bogs, mountains, and minerals. They attach themselves to practically every natural thing.

Interest in the elementals increased during the Middle Ages and Renaissance when practitioners experimenting with alchemy and magic sought to acquire nature's secrets so to be able to control her forces.

Elementals are very mischievous and like to play, but their play may appear to us as disasters rather than play, such as thunderstorms, blizzards, raging seas.  When Elementals decide to enjoy themselves, it's best for us humans to take cover and hope they tire soon.  Contrary to how it seems, Elementals activities are not always destructive, even though it may seem that way to humans at times. The elementals have their own agenda and they have a definite purpose, which we may not understand, but may be for the good of the planet as a whole.

Many believe Elementals are from a different realm, coming and going between our realm and theirs at their leisure.  According to Quantum Physics, there are parallel universes much like our own, but in some of them animals who are extinct here, still exist  there.  Wars have had different outcomes.  Unicorns run and graze freely.  Ideas that are accepted there, but aren't believed here.  Elementals live in the realms where they are accepted and they can live freely and they easily travel between the universes where there is an overlap of the two universes.  You can say, like a portal. 

There was a time when most people freely believed in Elementals, until the church convinced them they didn't exist.  Now, because people can't see them, they don't believe they exist.  Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.  There has been so much research done on what people see, in plain sight.  One such experiment was done by Daniel J. Simons & Christopher F. Chabris from the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. [1Briefly, in this study, people were asked to watch a video of a basketball game and to keep track of the team with the ball.  The people were so intent on the teams, half of them never noticed a woman in a gorilla suit walking across the middle of the screen during the game.  Because some of the people didn't see the gorilla, does that mean she didn't exist?

Paracelsus was responsible for the names of the Elementals.  A physician, alchemist mystic and medical critic, he was born 1493 in Switzerland, the son of a doctor and chemist.  Paracelsus is considered the most original medical thinker of the 16th century, believed to be far ahead of all other medical scientists of his time.  He was very controversial because of his arrogant and criticism of the medical practices of his contemporary doctors, believing universities didn't teach everything needed to become a good physician and that experience was more valuable then the dry scholasticism of ancient tomes.

Despite his outstanding contributions to medical science, Paracelsus was a believer in supernatural things, intuition and the invisible causes of illness.  His major work was in reconciling the art of healing with Christian and Pagan religion, studying the philosophy of spiritual substance, warning his contemporaries that to divide therapy from religion was a grave error in judgment.  He believed the advancement of practical therapy depended upon a continuous exploration of the invisible side of nature, a search for causes and the realization that man was not simply a physical creature, but a living soul whose internal attitudes could profoundly affect his health. [2]  Concerning Elementals, Paracelsus said:

"The Elementals are not properly spirits, because they have flesh, blood and bones; they live and propagate offspring; they eat and talk, act and sleep.  They are beings occupying a space between men and spirits, resembling men and women in their organization and form and resembling spirits in the rapidity of their locomotion." Paracelsus 

There is a group of Elementals for each of the elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire.  Below is a brief description of some, but not all, creatures of the four elements.

Elements and their Creatures


"The type of gnome most frequently seen is the brownie, or elf, a mischievous and grotesque little creature from twelve to eighteen inches high, usually dressed in green or russet brown.  Most of them appear as very aged, often with long white beards, and their figures are inclined to rotundity.  They can be seen scampering out of holes in the stumps of trees and sometimes they vanish by actually dissolving into the tree itself." Paracelsus

More commonly known as dwarves or goblins, they are concerned with the products and treasures of the earth.  Being of the earth, Gnomes usually live in the soil, rocks, beneath the ground, and under the tree roots.  Gnomes will only help humans if they have been considerate of nature and treat it well.  They are very helpful of those who have established a connection with them through prior acts of kindness.  When working with humans, Gnomes are most helpful with healing the bones. 

The subgroups of the Earth Gnomes consist of Brownies, Dryads, Durdalis, Earth Spirits, Elves, Hamadryads, Pans, Pygmies, Sylvestres, and Satyrs.

Air:  Sylphs

The sylphs are the air spirits. Their element has the highest vibratory rate.  They are said to live on the tops of mountains. The leader of the sylphs is a being called Queen Paralda who is said to dwell on the highest mountain of Earth. 

They often assume human form but only for short periods of time and they are said to be the most beautiful of all the elementals.  They are usually seen with wings, looking like cherubs or fairies. They are said to leave beautiful green rings in meadows and fields caused by bending the dewy grass caused by their dancing in circles.  Because of their connection to air, which is associated with the mental aspect, one of their functions is to help humans receive inspiration.  The sylphs are drawn to those who use their minds, particularly those on creative arts. 

Sylphs are usually sympathetic of human endeavors and for the most part their actions towards them are kindly and thoughtful. The Sylphs can have a profound and powerful influence on the human mental body and thought, and, they are responsible for being the primary impetus behind both inspirational art and inventions


The water spirits are called Undines. This name was first used by Swiss metaphysician Paracelsus in the early 16th century.[3]  They closely resemble humans in appearance and size, except for those inhabiting smaller streams and ponds.  They are beautiful, emotional, and graceful Nature Spirits who dress themselves in greenish, sea colored garb that has both a shimmering consistency and a watery texture.  Their ruler is known as Necksa who they love, serve, and honor unceasingly.

Since their purpose is to direct the flow and course of the waters of the planet, they live in coral caves, fountains, lakes, marshlands, rivers, seas, waterfalls, and underneath lily pads. Besides caring for plants both above and below the surface of the water, the Undines are concerned with the movements of water and how they relate to human emotions and soul responses. 

The Undines and their subgroups are friendly, approachable, and are very willing to work with people and to help them.  Etheric in nature, they exist within the water itself and this is why they can't be seen with the normal physical vision.  

The subgroups of the Water Undines consist of Limoniades, Mermaids, Naiads, Oceanid, Oreads, Potamides, Sea Maids.


"Salamanders have been seen in the shape of fiery balls, or tongues of fire, running over the fields, or peering in houses."  Paracelsus

The salamanders are the spirit of fire. They keep us warm and work through the liver, bloodstream and emotions.  Without these beings, fire cannot exist. You cannot light a match without a salamander's being present.  They are considered the strongest and most powerful of all the elementals.

Their ruler is a magnificent flaming being called Djin. On the spiritual level, they also help to awaken kundalini.  Salamanders will always help people who are friendly towards them and keep their heart fires burning.  They also have special influence over those with fiery tempers.


Want to learn more about natures spirits? 
Here is a list of suggested reading about the hidden world of elementals:

- John & Caitlin Matthews
Discover an incredible world full of every magical creature you could possibly imagine... From unicorns, salamanders, satyrs, giants, elves and trolls, to dragons, nymphs, mermaids, werewolves and griffins.  Take an enchanting journey through the history, folklore, and mythology of these beasts from virtually every culture in the world. With stories and amazing facts on even the most obscure and mythological creature, this is a cornucopia of magic and myth.

- Cait Johnson
Johnson probes the common roots and bonds that lie at the heart of the world's great spiritual traditions. Combining history, opinion, and literature, she invites readers of all stripes to inhale shared values and exhale divisive concerns.

- Doreen Virtue
This beautiful book gives you step-by-step instructions on how to contact fairies; how to see and hear them, and ways to work with them personally to heal your career, health, and love-life issues.

- Anna Franklin
Filled with hundreds of exquisite illustrations, this comprehensive directory provides a global, multi-ethnic, multicultural overview of fairies. Nearly 3,000 entries, arranged alphabetically offer glimpses into other worlds and times.

- Francis Melville
A charming and inspirational guide to the history and folklore surrounding faeries and an examination of the meanings that these mythic beings have acquired in many cultures.

- Thomas Keightly
A fascinating compendium of folklore, superstitions, and mythology surrounding the 'little people'.
- Carol Rose
A fabulously entertaining work with over 100 delightful illustrations--Library Journal calls Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, and Goblins its "favorite work of 1996." In more than 2,000 alphabetically arranged entries, readers will meet Angels, demons, elves, encantados, fairies, familiars, keremets, nats, nymphs, and many other strange beings from around the world.

- Ted Andrews
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm will help you to realize that faeries and elves dance in nature and in your heart, too.

  1. "The Element encyclopedia of Magical Creatures", John & Caitlin Matthews, pg. 583


Dionysius Hierarchy of Angels

Nine Celestial Orders of Angels

First order:  Closest in order to God
SeraphimsThe guardians before God's throne, referred to as "the fiery spirits", they are usually pictured with six wings and flames.  They constantly sing God's praise and regulate heaven.  They are colored a flaming red and gold to symbolize fire.  God's grace flows through the seraphim to the Angels below, dispelling darkness and purifying the universe.  It was from this order that Satan emerged.  Before his fall from Grace, he was considered the Angel who outshone all others.  Seraphims are the highest order of Angels.       
CherubimsGods record keepers and guardians of God's glory.  Over the years Cherubims have undergone radical transformations from the Assyrian leonine-monster guardian to the winged creature of the Old Testament to a chubby baby with blue wings which appeared in the 1600s.  Originally, Cherubims were depicted with multi-eyed peacock's feathers to symbolize their all-knowing character.  The first Angels mentioned in the bible, God placed the Cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the Tree of Life.  They are the charioteers of God and bearers of his throne. 
ThronesReferred to as "the many eyed ones",  portrayed as winged wheels within wheels, whose rims were covered in eyes.  They support the Throne of God and consider how God's decisions should be manifested.  Their mission is to bring judgment for individual karma and society as a whole. 

Second order:  Priest-Princes of the court of heaven
DominionsThese are the Angels who bring you the teachings of intuition.  Through them the majesty of God is manifested.  They carry scepter and sword to symbolize the given power over all creation and decide what needs to be done to accomplish God's needs and regulate the duties of Angels to ensure the universe keeps working as it should.  They appear in human shape, wearing a triple crown to signify their position over the physical form.  They can be seen carrying a scepter, holding a cross and/or a sword to symbolize the balance between the active and passive forces. 
Virtues Drawing on God's force to work miracles on earth, the "brilliant" or "shining ones" are the Angels of miracles, encouragement and blessings.  Virtues are the ones who become involved whenever people are struggling with their faith.  They have four blue feathered wings and war sparkling armor.  They can often be seen with a scepter, axe spear, sword and/or a shield for protection.  But each of these "tools" are decorated with instruments of passion.  They work hand-in-hand with the Thrones to bestow grace and rewards on those who have overcome deeds in their physical lives.
PowersFirst order of Angels created by God, it is the job of the Powers to prevent the fallen Angels from taking over the world and keep the universe in balance.  They also bring the power of intellect in such matters as math, geometry, astronomy and so on, making them the professors and educators.

Third order: The Ministering Angels
PrincipalitiesThe protectors of religions, guardian Angels of cities, nations, rulers.  They keep watch over nations and attempt to inspire their leaders to make wise decisions.  Often depicted wearing soldier's garb and sandals, they are seen in human form.  They provide strength to the tribes of Earth to pursue and endure their faith. 
ArchangelsThe "chief-Angels", they carry God's messages to humans and command God's armies of Angels in constant battle with the "Sons of Darkness".  They look after the affairs of humankind and act as guardian Angels to leaders of world movements.  These are the Angels who stand around God's throne, ready to carry out the divine and most important decrees to humans.   According to the book of Revelation, there are seven Archangels who stand in the presence of God, but only four are mentioned in the Old Testament,  Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.  The identity of the other three is subject to debate.  The three recognized in the Judeo-Christian belief are Raguel, Jophiel and Chamuel.  Other possible candidates are Ariel, Azrael, Camael, Haniel, Jeremiel, Metetron, Raziel, Sandalphon and Zadkiel. 
AngelsCelestial beings closest to humans, Angels are the intermediaries between God and mortals.  Assigned by God to every human being at the time of his or her birth, they assist every aspect of life in the universe.  They deal with the aspects of everyday life and act as the direct gateway for information, knowledge and communications between human kind and the God force.  These Angels are seen with human bodies, wings and clothed in various garments depending on the traditions and visual acceptance of the human they have "been assigned to".  In reality, Angels do not have human bodies, wings or clothing, they are made up of energy and love.  The only thing Angels do not help humans do is destroy themselves, the planet and other human beings, they are always a force for all that is positive, good and true.    


All Archangels end with the "el" suffix.  "El" meaning "in God" and the first half of the name meaning what each individual Angel specializes in.  Archangels are able to be in many places at one time.  You never have to feel that your "problem" isn't important enough to bother them with.  That is what they're there for, to help you grow *.  The most popular Archangels are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel who are depicted in the Christian Bible.  There is a debate as to the name of the other Archangels.  In the eighth century, the Christian Church became alarmed at the rampant adoration of Angels by the Christian community.  For some unknown reason, in 745 A.D. under Pope Zachary, a Roman council ordered seven Angels removed from the ranks of the Church’s recognized Angels, two of them being Archangels Uriel and Raguel.  This website recognizes there are many Archangels, and there's much debate to who they are and how many there actually are, but  we've listed the seven Judeo-Christian Archangels as:
Michael     Raphael     Gabriel     Uriel     Chamuel     Jophiel     Raguel
*  Remember when you make your requests to an Archangel, they are not able to interfere with your karma.
Judeo-Christian Archangels

Also known:
Meaning - "Who is like God", "Like unto God", "Who is like the Divine"

The first Angel created by God, Michael is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity.  Michael protects us physically, emotionally and psychically.  He also oversees the lightworker's life purpose.  His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear.  Michael carries a flaming sword that he uses to cut through etheric cords and protects us from Satan and negative entities.  When he's around you may see sparkles or flashes of bright blue or purple light.  Call on Michael if you find yourself under psychic attack or if you feel you lack commitment, motivation and dedication to your beliefs, courage, direction, energy, vitality, self-esteem, worthiness.  Michael helps us to realize our life's purpose and he's invaluable to lightworkers helping with protection, space clearing and spirit releasement.

Michael conquered the fallen Angel Satan, was in the Garden of Eden to teach Adam how to farm and care for his family, spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and in 1950 he was canonized as Saint Michael, "the patron of Police Officers," because he helps with heroic deeds and bravery.  Michael also has an incredible knack for fixing electrical and mechanical devices, including computers and automobiles.  If your automobile breaks down, call on Michael.

Michael helps us to follow our truth without compromising our integrity and helps us to find our true natures and to be faithful to who we really are.  Other times when you may find Michael helpful is when your job is too demanding with impossible deadlines to reach, when you have an addiction, if you're very ill and suffering from a degenerative disease or terminal illness and when you suffer from nightmares


Also known:

Meaning - "Healing power of God", "The Divine has healed", "God heals"Hebrew word rapha means "doctor" or "healer".  Raphael is a powerful healer and assists with all forms of healing - humans and animals.  He helps to rapidly heal body, mind and spirit if called upon, as in the biblical story of Abraham and the pain he felt after being circumcised as an adult.  You may call upon Raphael in behalf of someone else, but he can't interfere with that person's free will.  If they refuse spiritual treatment, it can't be forced.
The chummiest and funniest of all Angels, Raphael is often pictured chatting merrily with mortal beings.  He's very sweet, loving, kind and gentle and you know that he's around when you see sparkles or flashes of green light.
Part of Raphael's healing work involves spirit releasement and space clearing.  He often works with Michael to exorcise discarnate entities and escort away lower energies from people and places.
As well as a healer, Raphael is known as the "Patron of Travelers" because of his help with Tobias and his travels.  Call upon Raphael when you are traveling, to assure safe travel.  In addition, he assures that all your transportation, lodging and luggage details go miraculously well.  Raphael also helps with inward spiritual journeys, assisting in searches for truth and guidance.
Raphael taught Tobias how to make balms and ointments from a fish which cured Tobias' father blindness.  Raphael can be called upon to help healers such as doctors, therapist and surgeons.  Call on Raphael if you're a student entering the healing field and you're looking for the right school and/or are in need of help with studies, as well as getting the time and money for school.  He also assists with establishing healing practices when your schooling is finished.  Raphael not only helps you to heal from physical, emotional and mental pain, he also heals wounds from past lives.
Other areas Raphael helps with is finding lost pets, reducing and eliminating addictions and cravings, clairvoyance, bringing unity to your life, if you feel out of touch with your spirituality, if you've lost a partner and/or your soul/body doesn't feel "whole". 


Also known:

Meaning - "Strength of God"; "The Divine is my strength"; "God is my strength"The only Archangel depicted as female in art and literature, Gabriel is known as the "messenger" Angel and is one of the four Archangels named in Hebrew tradition and is considered one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judeo-Christian and Islamic religious lore. Apart from Michael, she is the only Angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament.  She is a powerful and strong Archangel, and those who call upon her will find themselves pushed into action that leads to beneficial results.
Gabriel can bring messages to you just as she did to Elizabeth and Mary of the impending births of their sons, John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. If you are considering starting a family, Gabriel helps hopeful parents with conception or through the process of adopting a child.
Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed and your spiritual vision is therefore blocked. If you wish to receive visions of Angelic guidance regarding the direction you are going in. If you wish to receive prophecies of the changes ahead. If you need help in interpreting your dreams and vision.
Gabriel helps anyone whose life purpose involves the arts or communication. She acts as a coach, inspiring and motivating artists, journalist and communicators and helping them to overcome fear and procrastination.
Gabriel also helps us to find our true calling. Ask for Gabriel's guidance if you have strayed from your soul's pathway, if you wish to understand your life plan and purpose. She can also help if you can find no reason for being or if changes are ahead and you need guidance. If you are contemplating a house move, major purchase or thinking of changing careers.
Call Gabriel if your body is full of toxins and needs purifying and if your thoughts are impure or negative and need clearing and cleansing. Gabriel is also very helpful for women who have been raped or sexually assaulted and feel dirty as well as being under psychic attack or if you feel that you have absorbed someone else's problems.


Meaning - "God is light", "God's light", Fire of God"Uriel is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle.  You may not even realize he has answered your prayer until you've suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea.
Uriel warned Noah of the impending flood, helped the prophet Ezra to interpret mystical predictions about the coming Messiah and delivered the Cabal to humankind.  He also brought the knowledge and practice of alchemy and the ability to manifest from thin air, as well as illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings.  All this considered, Uriel's area of expertise is divine magic, problem solving, spiritual understanding, studies, alchemy, weather, earth changes and writing.  Considered to be the Archangel who helps with earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disaster and earth changes, call on Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath
In the eighth century, the Christian Church became alarmed at the rampant and excessive zeal with which many of the faithful were revering Angels.  For some unknown reason, in 145 A.D. under Pope Zachary, a Roman council ordered seven Angels removed from the ranks of the Church’s recognized Angels, one of them being Uriel. 


Also known:

Meaning - "He who sees God", "He who seeks God"The Archangel of pure love, Chamuel can lift you from the depths of sorrow and find love in your heart.  Chamuel helps us to renew and improve existing relationships as well as finding our soul mates.  He works with us to build strong foundations for our relationships (as well as careers) so they're long-lasting, meaningful and healthy.  You'll know he's with you when you feel butterflies in your stomach and a pleasant tingling in your body.
If there's a breakdown of your relationship, if you cling to your relationships and don't allow your companion the freedom to be able to express themselves freely, call on Chamuel for guidance and support.  The other areas you can Chamuel can help is if you need to strengthen a parent-child bond, if you're unable to feel love for yourself or others, if your heart has hardened and is full of negative emotions, if you have lost someone close through death or separation, if you and your children have experienced a divorce, if your heart is blocked with depression, hopelessness and despair, if you feel lonely and broken hearted, if you need to be loved, if you are judgmental and cynical or if you don't appreciate the love that you have in your life.
Chamuel can also help with world peace, career, life purpose and finding lost items.


Also known:

Meaning - "Beauty of God"
Jophiel was the Angel present in the Garden of Eden and later watched over Noah’s sons.  The Archangel of art and beauty, he is the patron of artists, helping with artistic projects, thinking beautiful thoughts, to see and appreciate beauty around us.  Helping to create beauty at home and at work, Jophiel is the Archangel for interior decorators.   He illuminates our creative spark by giving us ideas and energy to carry out artistic ventures.  He also helps us to see the beauty in all things, including people.
 As well as helping our creativity, Jophiel helps us to slow down and smell the roses.  Call on him if you need joy and laughter in your life or if you feel you’ve lost the light in your life.  He will also help if your soul is sleeping and needs awakening and if you wish to awaken a deeper understanding of who you are and seeking a connection with the higher self, so that you may take your first steps along your spiritual pathway. 
You know Jophiel is at work if you are searching for answers to the questions in your life and wish the greater wisdom to be revealed to you, and all of a sudden you experience flashes of insight in which everything suddenly becomes clear. 


Also known:

Meaning "Friend of God"
Referred to as the Archangel of Justice and Fairness, Raguel oversees all the other Archangels and Angels.  He watches over them to make sure they’re working well together in a harmonious and orderly fashion according to Divine order and will.
Raguel is the Archangel for the underdog.  Call on him for help when you need to be  empowered and respected.  He helps to resolve arguments, helps with cooperation and leads to harmony in groups and families.  Raguel defends the unfairly treated, and provides support with mediation of disputes.
In the Revelation of John, Raguel is referred to as an assistant to God in the following account: "Then shall He send the Angel Raguel, saying: Go and sound the trumpet for the Angels of cold and snow and ice, and bring together every kind of wrath upon them that stand on the left."
Despite his exalted position, for some unexplained reason Raguel was reprobated in 745 A.D. by the Roman church (along with some other high-level Angels, including Uriel).  At this time Pope Zachary described Raguel as a demon who "passed himself off as a saint".

Other Archangels
Ariel means "lion of God" and is often associated with lions.  When Ariel is near you, you may begin seeing references to or visions of lions around you.  Ariel is also associated with the wind.  Found in books of Judaic mysticism and Cabalistic, Ariel works closely with King Solomon in conducting manifestation, spirit releasement and Divine magic.
Ariel also oversees the sprites, the nature Angels associated with water.  Ariel is involved with healing and protecting nature, including animals, fish and birds.  If you find an injured bird or other wild animal that needs healing, call upon Ariel for help.  Ariel also works closely with Raphael to heal animals in need. 
Although he is described as a member of the Angelic hierarchy, he is also at times placed among the evil Angels as one of the fallen Angels who are routed by the stern and obedient seraph Abdiel during the war in heaven.

Hebrew, Muslim
The much feared Angel of death in both Islamic and Hebrew lore, Azrael’s name means “whom God helps.”  Azrael’s primary role is to help people cross over to Heaven at the time of physical death.  He comforts people prior to their physical passing, makes sure they don’t suffer during death and helps them assimilate on the other side.  Working as a grief counselor, he surrounds grieving family members with healing energy and helps them cope and thrive, and absorbs their pain.
Azrael has eyes and tongues exactly equal to the number of people inhabiting the world.  Each time he blinks one of his eyes, it signifies that another person has died.  Azrael also keeps track of the dying by recording the births of the living and erasing the names of those who have died. 

Camael, his name meaning "he who sees God", he is listed as one of the seven truly powerful Angels who have the great honor of standing in the very presence of God.  Originally the God of War in Druid mythology, he is frequently referred to as the ruler of the planet Mars, as well as one of the governing Angels of the seven planets. In Cabalistic lore he is considered one of the ten Archangels.  According to Jewish custom, Camael serves as the mediator, taking prayers of Israel before the Angelic princes residing in the seventh heaven. 

Babylonian, Cabalistic
Haniel's name means "the grace of God" and is generally credited with the title of prince or chief of the Angelic orders or choirs of the principalities and virtues.  For this reason, Haniel is listed in some lists as one of the seven Archangels.  Some Cabalistic texts credit Haniel as escorting Enoch to the spirit world where he was transformed into the Angel Metatron, being on of the only two humans to ever become Angels (his brother Elijah being the other). Haniel helps us to uncover the lost secrets of natural healing remedies such as potions, powders and crystals.  He will help you with whenever you need to speak in public and helps you to remain poised and centered.  You can also call on Haniel to help bring beauty, harmony and loving friends into your life.

In ancient Judaic texts, Jeremiel is listed as one of the seven core Archangels, his name meaning ("mercy of God" or "whom God sets up").  He is credited with helping Baruch, a prolific author of apocryphal Judaic texts in the first century A.D., with his prophetic visions. It is also said that he took Baruch on a tour of the different levels of Heaven.  The coming of the Messiah was one of Jeremiel's visions.Jeremiel is that Archangel who review's our lives with us after we've crossed over.  He is also able to do this for us while we're still living, helping us to review our life up till now so we can correct the wrongs we've done by making positive adjustments.  Through this, he's able to help us make life changes, making us stronger and lead us to the right path.
Jeremiel also helps us with clairvoyance and prophetic visions, and helps us to interpret psychic dreams.

Judaic, Cabalistic
One of the only two Archangels whose name does not end in "el" and one of the only two Archangels who were humans before becoming Angels (his brother Elijah/Sandalphon being the other).  His human name was Enoch.  The meaning of Metatron is unclear, but some believe it means "he who occupies the throne next to the Divine throne", "the Angel of the Presence" or that his name is a derivation of the name Yahweh, the Jewish term for the unspoken sacred name of God.One of the most important Angels in the Western tradition, he represents the supreme Angel of death, to whom God daily gives orders as to which souls will be taken that day. Metatron transmits these orders to his subordinates Gabriel and Sammael.
On earth Enoch was a prophet and scribe.  He was also a scholar on heavenly secrets, having received "The Book of the Angel Raziel", a textbook about God's workings penned by Archangel Raziel and given to Adam, Noah, Enoch and Solomon. As a result, God escorted Enoch directly to the seventh Heaven - the highest level - to reside and work. Enoch was given wings and transformed into a great Archangel named Metatron.
Since Metatron excelled at his work on earth, he was given a similar job in Heaven to scribe the records of everything that happens on earth and keep the Akashic records, which is the "Book of Life". He is the chief recorder in Heaven and in charge of recording and organizing all the records. He helps us understand Heaven's perspective and to learn how to work with the Angelic realm.
He has a special place in his heart for children, especially those who are spiritually gifted. After the Exodus, Metatron led the children of Israel through the wilderness and into safety. He continues to lead children today, both on Earth and in Heaven and helps them to adjust to Heaven after crossing over.

Judaic, Cabalistic
Raziel works very closely with the Creator and its believed he knows all of the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. He wrote down all of these secrets in a tome of symbols and Divine magic called "The Book of the Angel Raziel".  After Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, Raziel gave Adam the book for guidance about manifestation and God's grace. Later the prophet Enoch received the book prior to his ascension and transformation into Archangel Metatron. Noah was also given a copy of the book by Archangel Raphael and Noah used the information to build his ark and help its inhabitants after the flood.Raziel can help you understand esoteric material, manifestation principles, sacred geometry, quantum physics and other high-level information. He can also open you up to higher levels of psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance. Like a Divine wizard, Raziel can also assist you with alchemy, clairvoyance, and divine magic.

Judaic, Cabalistic
Only one of the two Archangels whose name doesn't end with an "el", Sandalphon is the twin brother of Archangel Metatron. The twins are the only Archangels in Heaven who were originally mortal men. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah and Metatron was the wise man Enoch. God gave both men their immortal assignments as Archangels to reward them for their good work upon Earth, allowing them to continue their sacred service from Heaven. Elijah's ascension occurred when he was lifted up to Heaven in a fiery chariot pulled by two horses of fire, accompanied by a whirlwind, an even recorded in the second chapter of the Book of 2 Kings.
Sandalphon's chief role is to carry human prayers to God so they may be answered.  He's said to be so tall that he extends from Earth to Heaven. Ancient Cabalistic lore says that Sandalphon can help expectant parents determine the gender of their forthcoming child and many also believe that he's involved with music as well.