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Μάρκος Αυρήλιος

Κυριακή 25 Νοεμβρίου 2012

Like Attracts Like

In our physical world we are all familiar with the social laws made by man, and most of us act according to the culture and customs of the country in order to be a part of society.
I want to address other kinds of laws – spiritual laws. Unlike social laws that vary from place to place, spiritual laws are universal, similar to the laws of physics or nature. These principles exist and sustain us with out our having to choose them.
Like attracts Like
The first principle is the physical law of attraction. According to this, everything in the universe has a frequency (illustrated in the movie The Secret).
According to this law everything, whether it is living, growing, or motionless caries a certain frequency and attracts other similar frequencies because like attracts like. This is true for more than just physical matter, but also on the level of consciousness – meaning our thoughts. Therefore, a thought with a certain frequency will magnetize objects and other thoughts with a similar frequency. The result of this physical/spiritual law is that the outside world is created according to our thoughts.
Thoughts Create Reality
Since the power of our thoughts so greatly influences the events that we magnetizing to our lives we can use them as a tool to develop our self-awareness, and to improve our lives.
The first step in utilizing this law is recognizing its existence and power by consciously observing the reality of our lives. If we are not satisfied by the reality of our lives it means that we must have thoughts and beliefs (even if they are unconscious) that “vibrate” in us and attract things that we would not necessarily choose consciously.
In order to be active partners in creating our reality, it must be understood that when we change our thoughts and beliefs, our frequency changes as well – and therefore, so does our reality.
Reality Is Not Predetermined
“Pay attention to your thoughts, they become your words. Pay attention to your words, they become your actions. Pay attention and judge your actions, actions become habits. Be aware of your habits, they become your values. Understand and accept your values, they become your destiny.” - Mahatma Gandhi
This perception is altogether different from the common perception that we respond to and are influenced by reality, and our perceptions often fixate on past situations and see suffering as something that we have to accept.
Today, modern physics show something else. There is no one fixed reality, and when we change the focus of our thoughts we create new realities. We already understand that there is nothing constant, and there is no power or mechanism that influences us that is not in turn influenced by us to the same degree.
Every wish or thought that we have is sent out like a powerful laser-beam with a very specific frequency that creates a very specific result. It can be thought of like a TV remote control. When we press on a certain number, even though we cannot see, feel, or smell it we create a specific command for a specific goal.
The TV then projects what we have decreed via the frequency that we have created by pushing the button. If we replace our TV with one of a different frequency, the old remote control will no longer be effective.
Guiding Beliefs
We can only create a reality that is in line with our true frequency in life. If for example, we have the belief that we are worthless, then the financial reward we get for our work will often be too low, or the people we magnetize in our lives treat us with no respect or appreciation.
When we identify the beliefs that cause us to suffer, and change them, we will discover that our life changes and the past experiences diminish until they disappear. “The Law of Attraction” is always working, you can never escape it, and you attract everything that exists in your life. When we understand the secret we can sit down and dictate exactly what we want in our lives, and with certainty it will come. - Bob Proctor
The universe and everything in it vibrates. We live in a sea of motion, nothing rests, and of course, we are also moving vibrations, this cannot be changed.
We are accustomed to using the word “feeling” instead of the word “frequency”. Saying that I feel bad, or I feel angry, is like saying that I am in a low frequency with a high vibration.
The lower the frequency is, the worse we will feel. These may be feelings of jealousy, bitterness, sorrow, and fear etc. The higher the vibration is the stronger these feeling will be, similar to raising the volume on our inner-system.
Sometimes, these frequencies will overpower the other feelings the way that loud music overpowers other sounds in the room. And, in the same respect, when we feel love, joy, compassion, and understanding we are in a high frequency, and the stronger it is, the better we feel.
Good Attracts Good
When we are in a positive vibration, we attract positive things to our lives as echoes of what we are in our being. This inner frequency not only creates the best feelings inside of us, and our preferred reality, it also affects our surroundings and the world we live in because it has been found that thought waves penetrate space and time.
Although we cannot see or feel thought waves, they carry their characteristics like laser beams going far and wide.
Quantum physics continues to find scientific evidence that our thoughts are more powerful than we ever imagine, and can actually change and create the physical world we live in.
So, with all of this responsibility resting on the universe, and our personal lives, there might be greater motivation to create changes in our thinking.
We Are What We Think The first thing we should do is make a kind of map of our inner world so as to create awareness of what is happening inside. We can do this ourselves, or with the help of professional guidance. In any case, the goal is to know what beliefs and thoughts control us.
Write the beliefs that you have about people, family, yourself, money, relationships, success, failure, freedom, responsibility, security, love, and more. Choose at least fifteen main topics, and at least ten beliefs/thoughts about every one of the topics.
After you have written down your beliefs you are ready to make the change. Next to each belief write an alternative that would serve you and your life better. For example if you believe that you can’t trust people, change the belief to “I trust people”, or “I can trust some people.”
If you do change a belief, you may be surprised by the sudden change in outcome. By working on every belief and thought separately, with small steps, you can make a very big change in your reality.
It’s not simple to find hidden beliefs. It’s delicate and profound work that requires honesty, vulnerability, and a strong will. But, who said it was easy being human? It is a privilege and a responsibility… and we have the freedom to choose.
By Gil Tetro Translation by Yasmine Ariel

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