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Μάρκος Αυρήλιος

Σάββατο 27 Απριλίου 2013

Is the Bible predicting our future?

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Is the Bible predicting our future?

by Charles Marcello
First I would like to talk about comet Izon/Ison… According to NASA that comet will be up to 15 times brighter than our moon. Now, they are also careful to say the Size of the comet as seen from Earth will not be the same size as our moon, however this comet is still going to be extremely bright, which has me thinking… is it possible that this extremely bright comet/light could create the blood oceans and rivers talked about in the bible… by generating a certain type of “light” that will activate some dormant fungus or plankton? As crazy as that thought sounds at first, how is bacteria created? Now obviously plankton should not be considered bacteria, however the reason I used the word plankton was to help generate inside your mind’s eye the “floating” around our waterways whatever this dormant thingy might be… could this extremely bright light cast a light strong enough to affect our eco-system?
As I’ve said in my other blog… “2012 and the Pyramids at Giza”… If I am correct and the three planets Mercury, Venus, and Saturn that perfectly matched the physical layout of the Pyramids at Giza… that that alignment are the three wise men talked about in the bible… if that is true, is the rest of the story trying to tell us, the birth of the new world is soon to follow, which is quickly ushered in by those in the know after this extremely bright star shows itself? However, if there is to be a new beginning, then that means some other new beginning (our time as we know it) is about to come to an end. Is that true?

 I cannot see how any of this could work, a light that is extremely bright could somehow create a worldwide red tide, that just doesn’t sound reasonable… Yet I cannot deny the bible talks about all water turning to blood…. As many are aware, there are massive fish kills happening all over the world, fish and water mammals are dying by the millions/thousands all over the world… in rivers and in oceans… AND nobody knows why. There excuses are funny as hell… too much oxygen in the water, too much urine in the water etc… Let alone all over the world there are massive sinkholes being created out of nowhere… entire buildings are swallowed up in a moment… and an entire river is now gone… not to mention these sinkholes have claimed at least a dozen lives… Yet the norm for sinkholes is supposed to be man caused… meaning, something we did underground creates a sinkhole… or in some rare instances sinkholes are created by earthquakes… yet these sinkholes are happening all over the world with no warning and there are thousands of them… and they seem to be happening several times a month, AND if current trends continue… it looks like that is about to change to several times a week. Not to mention in Africa a new ocean is about to be created… in one night the land instantly sunk for thousands of square mile. In Alaska people went to bed and the ocean could be seen from their windows… when they woke up there stood a twenty foot hill. In both instances nobody felt anything, nor was there any type of seismic reading. Because of these things, and many others… not to mention every leader in the world is talking about a new world order. I can’t help but wonder what the hell is really going on?
Now according to the bible a new world order is coming… the first one is going to be evil, and the second one is going to be ran by Jesus… yet there are billions of people who don’t think Jesus actually exists, let alone these billions of people, myself included… don’t think that Jesus has any claim, let alone any right to dictate to the planet he abandon for two thousand plus years.
Or, if that doesn’t float your boat, this one is my personal favorite theory, the one that actually makes me laugh out loud… Aliens (the real gods of our ancestors) are coming back to see how we are doing. If we’ve failed once again because of our evil ways they will destroy our planet… while purposely choosing only 144,000 to restart the world’s population. If by some crazy twist of reality, this is truly our future… well those evil SOB’s can go to hell… which brings me to main reason I created this comment.
Many people believe all Aliens are not E.T.’s from another planet/solar system, oh no… rather these people firmly believe they are in fact demons. They say this is true because of how all UFO’s defy our laws of gravity… which to me suggests our laws (our understanding of reality/what is possible) must be wrong… but not to these people, again oh no… that means to them these UFO’s are demon spirits existing outside of space/time. And when these demons convince their victims they are being abducted, they are actually only being tormented by demons inside another dimension… and if you evoke the name of Jesus you will instantly be back in your bed. Not to mention these same people believe a false flag event of some kind is going to take place by the demons controllers. (ie… living human’s laying the foundation for these demons to come into our dimension to create hell on Earth.) Now if that is true, could it be comet Izon/Ison light could generate those things the bible talks about that, “men’s hearts will fail them for what cometh upon the Earth in the last days?” Could it be the light generated by this comet that would allow us to see into that dimension?
For those who have followed my comments you already know the last Pope is upon us right now according to several prophecies…. Let alone there are many Christians who believe this Pope is the eighth king talked about in Revelations that will help usher in the anti (in place of) Christ.
Yet to top it all off, like some cherry on top… there are many Christians who believe the Catholic Church and many other Christian denominations will tell the world when the Gods return (aliens/demons) that they are in fact our real gods… and the story that god equals some old man looking down from a cloud preparing to send billions straight to hell for having a good time like drinking cussing and fornicating is all fiction… Oh no see, our real gods are aliens who come back to Earth to check on us every 6000 or so years… if they like what they see we get to live on… if they don’t they flood the world or some other such stuff… I think the next one will be done with fire. However, people like Tom Horn and Steve Quayle don’t think we will be tricked into believing these aliens are gods… nope, these two believe the whole religious/and non-religious world is going to be tricked into believing these aliens are morally superior to us. To which I’m like… um if they can travel the stars… they are morally superior to us. I mean people can’t even run in a marathon without some crazy evil bastards trying to kill people. Could you imagine what they fucks would do if they could disable a spacecraft’s safety features and plow a 10 ton vehicle into a city going faster than the speed of light. Obviously these creature’s either learned from that horrible event… or somehow their entire society instinctively knows the negative effects that one person out of seven billion can have on its entire society, ie… it truly only takes one idiot with that kind of kinetic power to completely destroy an entire civilization… and that that truth is so ingrained into their society nobody even thinks about hurting anyone else. To me that is the only way an entire planet could survive inter galactic space travel… because it would only take one suicidal nut job to ruin an entire planet/species plans for their future. So if they can travel the stars then by god they are not only technologically but also morally superior to us. They are… so why shouldn’t we listen and follow their advice? Now if they come down here with an attitude, most humans will tell them to stick their morally superior self-righteous attitudes right up their aliens asses. Which of course would cause a galactic war, and they would have no choice but to destroy us because we’ve proven with many of current technologies, given enough time we can accomplish anything we put our minds too. Which is the whole point of this post. No matter what the truth will be… is the bible predicting our future within its prophecies, or within the stories found all throughout the old and new testaments? Which by the way, these same stories are found within hundreds of other cultures from around the world, each telling the same story, just said a little differently? Well one things for certain, we don’t have long to wait before this comet cometh and right soon… and if this Pope truly is the final Pope/King well then at 76 he aint got much time either. With all of that, what do you think and why???
–Charles Marcello

Part 2

There are many reasons why I reject the notion there is some evil cabal hell bent on killing 6.5 billion people. One, it is just stupid to think that 500million people could kill 6.5 billion without oh I don’t know… 4 billion people going, hey these people have killed over 2.5 billion people, if we don’t do something to stop them we’re next. Let alone how many millions upon millions would it take to bury or burn 1 billion let alone 6.5 billion people? Not to mention for every combat person killing for the “darkside”, they would need 10 people to create their ammo, weapons, clothes, vehicles and food. So if you subtract the amount of overhead and logistics you are talking about killing force of 40 million people (plus or minus a few 10 million or so), to kill all 6.5 billion of us. Which means the darkside’s army would be outnumbered a hundred and fifty-ish to one. That’a using nothing but simple math… and because of those ridiculous numbers people had to bring in chemtrails, viruses, and plagues the NWO has waiting for their death hour… plus all the other mass murder theories that exist all over the Internet I’m not going to waste your time bringing up. Yet anything created by man, once something is put into the population it is impossible to know how it’s going to mutate. So any antidote these NWO people think they have will only work until it doesn’t… and then they are going to die just like the rest of us. Let alone if they are spraying poison into our air, they are killing their own family’s futures as well. Because no matter how all powerful these theories make these people out to be, they cannot control the wind… let alone make sure all the “poison” they’re spreading lands only where they want it too. It appears to me the people who promote this nonsense must think everyone who is putting this stuff into the air has absolutely no contact with the outside world. I mean, I don’t fly planes, let alone spray stuff into the atmosphere… but if I did I guaran-damn-tee I would be keeping my ear to the news and the Internet about people getting sick where I just dumped a lot of chemicals. Because I doubt I would agree to kill all of my extended family and all of the friends I had growing up, just so rich people could have their little paradise. I mean seriously these, “the elite are trying kill us all”, people haven’t thought their nonsense through. I’m pretty sure the people flying those planes know they are spraying stuff into the atmosphere… I’m also pretty sure they know damn well they aren’t trying to kill 6.5 billion people. I used to deny that chemtrails were real, and sought to find logical answers to how the fuel in planes had to of changed somehow to create these extremely long lasting contrails… until I discovered many News Channels from around the United States and around the world for that matter did their own investigation… and each of these local News Sources found the exact same chemical mixture. (do a simple youtube search and see for yourself) So now I have no doubt there are people in the know who absolutely know what is happening/changing/or coming to our planet. Yet I’m pretty damn sure whatever this something is, it is the same something that wiped out our last civilization… and that these people are actually doing everything they can to try and save humanity and all of our learnt know how. The Georgia Guide Stones says “maintain a population of 500 million”, it doesn’t say… reduce the population to 500 million. That suggests to me people have known for a long while what the truth really is about our past… and our coming/possible future.
Now the second part of this madness is people going around saying you need to stock up on food and ammo… and only stocking food and ammo is how you’re going to survive. I’m sorry but you are fucking crazy if you believe you can survive holed up in your house/underground bunker/cave/campsite… when this whatever horrible thing happens to the our earth. You truly are nucking futs. Because eventually your food is gonna run out. Eventually you’re gonna have to come up for air, or something. If all you have is food and ammo, and something tragic does happen to our entire planet… you are a caveman the moment your supplies are gone. Let alone, you are all alone… which means if you somehow have children in your little world… you have guaranteed they will become primitive creatures destined to live a horrible short existence. But let’s just say for fun something did happen, my wife and I have talked about it. We both agreed if the SHTF, there are three things we would right away. One is try and save as many people as possible. Two bring all the supplies, (food, gas, ammo, medicine etc…) we can find around the area into a single location/community area. And finally… go collect all the books at all the libraries and Colleges in our area. Once all that has been figured out… we would then start planning for our collective survival. By first figuring out what kinds of skills we have in our group. Then figuring out how we can utilize those skills to bring our little community back into some semblance of normalcy. There are many forums you can go to that argue one of the things that everyone needs is a gas powered generator. And I’m like bull crap… if I truly knew/believed something bad was going to happen (and I don’t) to our planet I wouldn’t want a gas powered anything for electricity… I would want steam powered electricity. Because the post destroyed world is going to have all kinds of things to burn… while fuel leaks and spills and eventually runs out. The very next thing we would do is create schools od learning… where people who have skills teach those who don’t. While at the same time demanding everyone learn something new. Like a doctor would need to learn how to repair shoes… and a carpenter would need to learn how to fix teeth… and a farmer would need to learn how to repair electronics. And everyone under forty would need to learn three skills…. Let alone every person would be taught how to shoot straight and generate fresh water. Because the name of the game is not simply survival… the name of the game is trying to get humanity back to where we were before our world literately turned upside down. That’s how I would think and work myself to death to create somehow… and if I’m thinking along those lines, about humanities survival and not just my own… I guarantee if someone actually knows what is happening to our world, and what actually happened to our distant ancestors… they are in fact building whatever is needed to repair our world on the other side. Yet this is the one thing that makes all this crazy nonsense about some evil NWO make sense. If something is evil you fear it even as you say you’re fighting against it. Yet if something good is being prepared to save what is left of humanity on the other side… well then everyone thinks either they or their children deserves a ticket to those survival shelters. If it’s evil well then everyone knows you’re on your own… so why wouldn’t you promote the dark-side if you knew you couldn’t save everyone?
I guess I will stop here. Like I said in the beginning there are many reasons why I reject the notion of some evil cabal hell bent on killing us all. Could it exist and I’m just being naive, sure. Yet all the things I’ve read from people suggesting this and that is happening as we speak… for me it just doesn’t add up. Something is happening to our planet, and there are things governments are doing that just don’t make any sense when it comes to our children’s future. Nation after nation has incredible amounts of debt that can never be paid back? That is mass planetary financial suicide. Unless… unless!!! Some people think because they’re going to kill us all they can spend what they want. Well, that only makes sense to me if everyone has already decided they’re just going to lie down and die… well I reject that outright. One of the only two possible scenarios remaining that I would even remotely entertain is… all the governments on this planet are being ran by a bunch of retards in really nice suitsorthe world is secretly preparing for our continued survival. Below this I will repost what I created yesterday inside another blog regarding some of the crazy stuff happening around our world. Yet for this comment, if you disagree I would really love to hear how I’m not seeing things correctly.
–Charles Marcello

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